By the way, those pics are from Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC. I thought they were nice and forgot to include them in my BC blog.
Travel trivia
I`ve logged about 14,000 kilometers
Was going to kayak the Rio Grande but it`s only 4 inches deep and I`ve put on some weight so, enough said.
About El Paso
-population 700,000
-85% mexican-americans
-Mexicans from Juarez come to shop in El Paso because it`s cheaper and goods are better quality
-I observed 100s walking back to Juarez, Mexico, with shopping bags full.
I chose not to go across because they kill one another there at the rate of 12-14 per week and the shootings are indiscriminate. They(drug gangs) use uzis and spray whoever they want to kill and shoot innocent bystanders.
I went for a walk the other night in my CS host`s neigbourhood here in El paso and got lost. They have no street lights and I missed his street on my return. It`s a beautiful subdivision with very nice homes but when it`s dark, it`s hard to recognize any landmarks. My host says the city is too poor to put up street lights. I stayed with another host in El Paso, a retired teacher and he too lives in a beautiful home in a very nice subdivision. Both were very pleasant stays.
Now I have a dilemma: go south to Brownsville, my original plan, or go to Houston, where I was to stop at the end of Jan. or early Feb. I can't get a hold of my friend Rick in Brownsville. I would also have a better choice of airlines in Houston to get back to Canada for Christmas.
Oh yeah, it's my bd today. I'm 65...A real, honest to goodness senior. I can't wait to cash in on all those benefits!!!!!! So far, no birthday hugs or kisses.
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