I was in Eagle Pass yesteday and decided to drive to the Mexican city of Acuna. A Mexican border agent asked me a bunch of questions about my trip then decided to become a tourist guide. He suggested all kinds of places I should visit on my way to Progresso, in the Yucatan Peninsula, where I'll be going in January. We talked for over 30 minutes. And he even suggested that when I come back, he would come with me if he had some time off. Really cool guy but his suggestions would would take me about 2 weeks to accomplish. And I want to spend time with my friends Pierrette and Marcel.
I just drove a bit in Acuna and suddenly realized that I didn't have Mexican car insurance so I returned quickly to the border. Once there, the US immigration asked me all kinds of questions, put me under the microscope and searched throughout my car. Bad decision on my part to take this little excursion.
Well, looks like the bad Canadian weather is following me. I've even been accused of bringing the cold Canadian winter weather with me. But I try to explain that I came from sunny California. It's cool, rainy and dull; memories of BC,
Yes, I'm in San Antonio, Texas, and I went to the Alamo today. I was surprised to find the Alamo in the middle of the city of San Antonio. The site is actually a lot smaller than I imagined. What hapenned after the battle: the Mexicans took down the big wall that surrounded the Alamo, to prevent any future standoffs. So all that is left is the church, long barracks and some other walls. For more info on the Alamo go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alamo_Mission_in_San_Antonio